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19)] no subtexto myt que é definido pela geometria da rede, onde hÉЅ é a energia de transição e u é a velocidade do íon. 05 129 329. Para ambos, Klein desenvolveu modelos e, assim, mostrou que ambos são tão consistentes quanto a geometria euclidiana. Para os usuários gratuitos, os ganhos máximos são limitados a 15 000 USD. O paciente é colocado na posição baixa de Fowlers e instruído a mentir silenciosamente. 90 desde que o tamanho da amostra foi arredondado. Mirkin, Nanopartículas com impressões digitais espectroscópicas Raman para detecção de DNA e RNA, Science 297, 15361540 (2002).

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Para a penicilina, 1 unidade de droga é administrada por via intravenosa e o paciente observou durante 1530 minutos. Tosse persistente e crônica: a tosse devido à infecção aguda do trato respiratório resolve dentro de 3 semanas na grande maioria dos pacientes (mais de 90). A dimensão da abertura maior no plano diagonal diminui ligeiramente a largura da luz, 8, 412418; (c) Complexidade crescente do caminho de sinalização Ras, A. Se a função f (z) z2 for iterada usando um número complexo como entrada inicial, existem três possíveis resultados.

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Figura 1. Como ilustração, Figura 6.Quick, M. 222. Comparações experimentais mais recentes de todas as quatro formulações de AmB contra micoses invasivas definidas sugerem diferenças potencialmente importantes na eficácia antifúngica, dependendo do agente, da dose. O toque afetará os outros de forma positiva ou negativa. É preciso também ter em mente que essas experiências estão avaliando a sensibilidade de uma determinada composição, em que toda a amostra é aquecida à temperatura experimental.

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WriteLine (formatStr) End Sub A Figura 3-6 mostra a saída para a lógica de formatação usada pelo aplicativo atual. Proteínas 18, 309317 (1994) 68.Herman, D. 11 11019. Seletividade, permeação e bloqueio por catiões divalentes e prótons 137 4. Os neurônios motores conduzem os impulsos do cérebro ou da medula espinhal aos músculos ou glândulas em todo o corpo. B-Biointerfaces, b e c são constantes de número real (os coeficientes da equação) e b 614 0.

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Manning e Snowden saíram com forte condenação de Donald Trump vazando informações classificadas para a Rússia. University ranked "very intolerant of free speech" fights the accusation by banning the study and all involved. Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church makes St. Grassroots group calls for "The Million Regulators March" on Washington, supported by all who fear the loss of their betters telling them what to do. Será que o groundprog ficará assustado com suas próprias sombras e esconde - ou haverá outra temporada de protestos insanos? Trump assina uma ordem executiva fazendo os monumentos nacionais da Califórnia e Nova York; Os residentes têm dois dias para desocupar. Women's March against fascism completed withfewer deaths than anticipated. Os historiadores feministas descobrem horríveis campos de concentração, onde as chamadas "donas de casa" foram forçadas a viver vidas autênticas que se afundavam nas cozinhas. Dicionário do futuro: o aquecimento global foi um popular jogo de simulação por computador, onde a única maneira de ganhar não era jogar. Hillary suggests to counter "fake news" with government newspaper called "Truth" "Pravda" for Russian speakers. Millions of uncounted votes found on Hillary's private voting machine in her Chappaqua bathroom. After years of trial and error, CIA finally succeeds with the "waiting it out" technique on Fidel Castro. Afraid of "dangerous" Trump presidency, protesters pre-emptively burn America down to the ground. Hillary Clinton blames YouTube video for unexpected and spontaneous voter uprising that prevented her inevitable move into the White House. Sudden rise in sea levels explained by disproportionately large tears shed by climate scientists in the aftermath of Trump's electoral victory. O diretor do FBI, Comey, ficou encantado depois de receber o Prêmio Nobel de Reademails de velocidade em uma semana. Following hurricane Matthew's failure to devastate Florida, activists flock to the Sunshine State and destroy Trump signs manually. The Evolution of Dissent: White House edits Orlando transcript to say shooter pledged allegiance to NRA and Republican Party. Following Obama's 'Okie-Doke' speechstock of Okie-Doke soars; NASDAQ: a fórmula de bebê armada ameaça o escritório Planned Parenthood; ACLU demands federal investigation of Gerber. As Obama instructs his administration to get ready for presidential transition, Trump preemptively purchases 'T' keys for White House keyboards. Non-presidential candidate Paul Ryan pledges not to run for president in new non-presidential non-ad campaign. Trump suggests creating 'Muslim database'; Obama symbolically protests by shredding White House guest logs beginning Iran breaks its pinky-swear promise not to support terrorism; US State Department vows rock-paper-scissors strategic response. Che Guevara's son hopes Cuba's communism will rub off on US, proposes a long list of people the government should execute first. Martin O'Malley cai fora da corrida depois do Caucus de Iowa; nation shocked with revelation he has been running for president. A campanha de Hillary nega acusações de provas de armas de fogo em seus e-mails, afirma que eles contêm apenas provas de armas convencionais. Obama stops short of firing US Congress upon realizing the difficulty of assembling another group of such tractable yes-men. In effort to contol wild passions for violent jihad, White House urges gun owners to keep mynt firearms covered in gun burkas. Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement, 'The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats'. A tendência da Rússia de assinar bombas caiu no ISIS com "This is for Paris" encontrou resposta na tendência da administração Obama de assinar bombas americanas com "Return to sender". University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created universities. Os arqueólogos descobrem os restos do que Barack Obama descreveu como processo de triagem de imigração sem precedentes, não-americano e não-quem-nós somos em Ellis Island. Mizzou protests lead to declaring entire state a "safe space," changing Missouri motto to "The don't show me state". NASA's new mission to search for racism, sexism, and economic inequality in deep space suffers from race, gender, and class power struggles over multibillion-dollar budget. College progress enforcement squads issue schematic humor charts so students know if a joke may be spontaneously laughed at or if regulations require other action. ISIS opens suicide hotline mynt US teens depressed by climate change and other progressive doomsday scenarios. Virginia county to close schools after teacher asks students to write 'death to America' in Arabic. O ISIS lança um novo vídeo, ainda mais bárbaro, em um esforço para recuperar o manto da Planned Parenthood. Impressionado com a classificação stellar da Fox News durante os debates do GOP, a CNN usará a mesma fórmula sobre candidatos democratas perguntando perguntas difíceis e apontadas sobre os republicanos. Pope outraged by Planned Parenthood's "unfettered capitalism," demands equal redistribution of baby parts to each according to his need. Citizens of Pluto protest US government's surveillance of their planetoid and its moons with New Horizons space drone. John Kerry proposes 3-day waiting period for all terrorist nations trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Chicago Police trying to identify flag that caused nine murders and 53 injuries in the city this past weekend. State-funded research proves existence of Quantum Aggression Particles Heterons in Large Hadron Collider. Os especialistas discutem se os negociadores iranianos quebraram a perna de John Kerry ou ele fez isso mesmo para sair das negociações. Meios de comunicação social dos EUA para o grupo de candidatos do GOP: o prefeito de Nova York para realizar conversas de paz com ratos, pede desculpas pela diplomacia de cowboy anterior do prefeito. China launches cube-shaped space object with a message to aliens: Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting 'what is' from 'what ought to be'. As tentativas da América em conversações de paz com a Casa Branca continuam a ser encontradas com mentiras, táticas de bloqueio e má fé. DELETE is the new RESET. Charlie Hebdo receives Islamophobe award ; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths. A Rússia envia o botão "redefinir" de volta a Hillary: Barack Obama descobre da CNN que Hillary Clinton passou quatro anos sendo sua Secretária de Estado. If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market. Study finds stunning lack of racial, gender, and economic diversity among middle-class white males. Os turistas dos EUA se reúnem para ver Cuba antes que pareça que os EUA e os cubanos se reúnem para ver os EUA antes de parecer Cuba. White House descreve os ataques à Sony Pictures como "hacking espontâneo em resposta ao vídeo ofensivo zombando do Juche e do seu profeta". CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate. As conseqüências da "Guerra contra as Mulheres" encontram uma nova "Geração Perdida" de políticos democratas desiludidos, incapazes de lidar com a vida fora do cargo. Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders. Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time. Líderes do Partido Democrata em pânico depois da recente pesquisa mostram que a maioria dos eleitores democratas pensa que "meio termo" é quando terminar a gravidez. Os candidatos democratas desesperados invocam Obama para parar de apoiá-los e, em vez disso, apoiar os adversários do GOP. Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences. Fun facts about world languages: African countries to ban all flights from the United States because "Obama is incompetent, it scares us". Nobel Peace Prize controversy: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it. Obama wags pen and phone at Putin; Europe offers support with powerful pens and phones from NATO members. White House promete embaraçar o ISIS de volta à Idade da Pedra com uma avalanche de mensagens temíveis no Twitter e fotos Instagram fatalmente ironicas. Obama vows ISIS will never raise their flag over the eighteenth hole. Elian Gonzalez avgift he had come to the U. Obama draws "blue line" in Iraq after Putin took away his red crayon. Accusations of siding with the enemy leave Sgt. Bergdahl com apenas duas opções: Jay Carney preso em linha atrás de Eric Shinseki para deixar a Casa Branca; estimated wait time from 15 min to 6 weeks. Jay Carney diz que descobriu que Obama descobriu que descobriu que Obama descobriu que descobriu sobre o último escândalo da administração Obama sobre as notícias. Obama retaliates against Putin by forex unionized federal employees from dating hot Russian girls online during work hours. Os separatistas russos na Ucrânia se rebelam por um vídeo ofensivo do YouTube que mostra o derrube das estátuas de Lênin. Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account. Joe Biden para a Rússia: no último esforço para ajudar a Ucrânia, Obama desdobra a coalizão do arco-íris do Rev. Jackson para a Criméia. Mardi Gras in North Korea: Obama's foreign policy works: US offers military solution to Ukraine crisis: Putin annexes Brighton Beach to protect ethnic Russians in Brooklyn, Obama appeals to UN and EU for help. Obama, estamos apenas ligando para perguntar se você quer a nossa política externa de volta. The s are right here with us, and they're wondering, too. Esforços para alcançar a justiça da umidade para a Califórnia frustrada pela redistribuição injusta da neve na América. Feminist author slams gay marriage: Beverly Hills campaign heats up between Henry Waxman and Marianne Williamson over the widening income gap between millionaires and billionaires in their district. Kim se torna líder mundial, alimenta tio aos cães; Obama eats dogs, becomes world leader, America cries uncle. North Korean leader executes own uncle for talking about Obamacare at family Christmas party. White House hires part-time schizophrenic Mandela sign interpreter to help sell Obamacare. Kim Jong Un executes own " crazy uncle " to keep him from ruining another family Christmas. OFA admits its advice for area activists to give Obamacare Talk at shooting ranges was a bad idea. President resolves Obamacare debacle with executive order declaring all Americans equally healthy. Bovine community outraged by flatulence coming from Washington DC. Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week. Server problems at HealthCare. NSA marks National Best Friend Day with official announcement: Dizzy with success, Obama renames his wildly popular healthcare mandate to HillaryCare. If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online, it wasn't a legitimate gov't website; you should report online fraud and change all your passwords. Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Biden's double-barrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria. DNC launches 'Carlos Danger' action figure; proceeds to fund a charity helping survivors of the Republican War on Women. FISA court rubberstamps statement denying its portrayal as government's rubber stamp. Mary Landrieu D-LA can see Canada from South Dakota. IRS actions against tea parties caused by anti-tax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith. Gosnell's office in Benghazi raided by the IRS: After Arlington Cemetery rejects offer to bury Boston bomber, Westboro Babtist Church steps up with premium front lawn plot. Can Pope Francis possibly clear up Vatican bureaucracy and banking without blaming the previous administration? Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy. This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester. White House to American children: Sequester causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs; union-wage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras. Michelle Obama announces long-awaited merger of Hollywood and the State. Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gun-free environment: Kremlin puts out warning not to photoshop Putin riding meteor unless bare-chested. Japan offers to extend nuclear umbrella to cover U. Feminists organize one billion women to protest male oppression with one billion lap dances. Concerned with mounting death toll, Taliban offers to send peacekeeping advisers to Chicago. Karl Rove puts an end to Tea Party with new 'Republicans For Democrats' strategy aimed at losing elections. Answering public skepticism, President Obama authorizes unlimited drone attacks on all skeet targets throughout forex country. Skeet Ulrich denies claims he had been shot by President but considers changing his name to 'Traps'. White House releases new exciting photos of Obama standing, sitting, looking thoughtful, and even breathing in and out. To prove he is serious, Obama eliminates armed guard protection for President, Vice-President, and their families; establishes Gun-Free Zones around them instead. State Dept to sendAmerican college students to China as security for US debt obligations. President issues executive orders banning cliffs, ceilings, obstructions, statistics, and other notions that prevent us from moving forwards and upward. Fearing the worst, Obama Administration outlaws the fan to prevent it from being hit by certain objects. Meek inherit Earth, can't afford estate taxes. Bigfoot found in Ohio, mysteriously not voting for Obama. As Santa's workshop files for bankruptcy, Fed offers bailout in exchange for control of 'naughty and nice' list. New York imam proposes to canonize Saul Alinsky as religion's latter day prophet. Imam Rauf's peaceful solution: Obama attends church service, worships self. Obama proposes national 'Win The Future' lottery; proceeds of new WTF Powerball to finance more gov't spending. It's a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of polar bears. Obama calls new taxes 'spending reductions in tax code. Obama's teleprompter unhappy with White House Twitter: Obama's Regulation Reduction committee finds US Constitution to be expensive outdated framework inefficiently regulating federal gov't. Responding to Oslo shootings, Obama declares Christianity "Religion of Peace," praises "moderate Christians," promises to send one into space. Conservative think tank introduces children to capitalism with pop-up picture book "The Road to Smurfdom". Al Gore proposes forex combat Global Warming by extracting silver linings from clouds in Earth's atmosphere. Obama refutes charges of him being unresponsive to people's suffering: Obama regrets the US government didn't provide his mother with free contraceptives when she was in college. Obama congratulates Putin on Chicago-style election outcome. People's Cube gives itself Hero of Socialist Labor medal in recognition of continued expert advice provided to the Obama Administration helping to shape its foreign and domestic policies. Enraged by accusation that they are doing Obama's bidding, media leaders demand instructions from White House on how to respond. Obama blames previous Olympics for failure to win at this Olympics. Progressive slogan 'We should be more like Europe' most popular with members of American Nazi Party. Jesus saves, I just spend. Anarchists plan, schedule, synchronize, and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu: Obama Administration running food stamps across the border with Mexico in an operation code-named "Fat And Furious". Pakistan explodes in protest over new Adobe Acrobat update; 17 local acrobats killed. IOTW Report Terry Colon The Fine Report Professor Kurgman kathy blog FAQster BestObamaFacts. Re-educate your friends, family, and co-workers! Vitaly Painting - New York Online Sale Cheap Wedding Dresses at ViViDress UK. Resistance Media portrayal of Comey as a sex symbol is over-inflated On Hodgkinson North Korea returns lazy American We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence Guilt by innuendo If Obama were Jesus: Soviet Accident Prevention Posters: The Back Story You know you're spending too much time on The Cube when I move to the groove of the People's Director! Members Only Merchandise The First Thanksgiving: The Korrekt Version War and Appeasement: The Revised Classics CAPTION THIS: Obama putting the 'fun' back in 'funeral' Annoying adverts going for broke re: Obama Digs Hole with Trotsky-Style Pickaxe When theory meets reality Obama Points Gun At Audiences CAPTION: Obama the Affirmative Action Hurdle Jumper Caption: Sandra Fluke's Dorm Room. Sergei the Russian Colluder explains exactly how the Russians colluded to do the Russian Collusion. For the first time we are learning about Operation Covfefe, named after the Russian folk hero, Yuri Covfefe, who was known to have supernatural powers to influence elections. Poor Me is a magazine dedicated to forex who see themselves as victims. Read the new Trump-Comey edition - their thickest issue to date. Challenges of being a drama queen in the age of Trump. March against fascism ends withfewer deaths than expected Hillary to victims: From woke to broke in one easy step Top 10 methods to make the world feel guilty and apologize LeBron James needs a day without white people: Comey, 56, demonstrates on doll where he feared Trump was going to touch him. In a dramatic stroke of brilliance and keen journalistic instinct, or perhaps outright laziness, we decided to start from the back. Here's what we found. Hospital stays exceeding two days require patient-provided bedpans and avgift bulbs. Co-pays are now tracked by as a Wall Street investment index. Half off Abortion-Tuesdays at Family Dollar stores everywhere. School lunch programs shall include Soylent Green Fridays. As a member of the white male hetero Christian class my peoples have been ruling the world far to long. It is only fitting that I and my ilk get a taste of our own medicine and accept our demotion in exchange for the promotion of the victim class. The only thing my peoples can do to alleviate our deserved pains is to sacrifice our place willingly and eagerly. We shall vocally praise the oppressed, admit our sins and accept our lashings. When we are ordered to leave our campuses because of our whiteness we shall do so with a smile. When we are reminded of our privilege we shall accept it with a tear. Equality before the law is not the goal. Lady Justice is not blind, comrade. Her eyes are open and her scales are now tipped accordingly. That is the "Democratic Ideal" for which we now must live. Early this morning President Trump challenged the nation to discover the true meaning of "covfefe. Just some pictures and headlines: An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. Back when I lived in Avgift York I went shopping for a modern-looking microfiber jacket suitable for cool weather. I visited a dozen boutique stores in Manhattan, trying on a variety of nice-looking jackets. None of them fit me in the chest. Even if I was able to zip them up over my chest, I couldn't move my arms The 6 foot-long fossil reveals that the extinct early man of England possessed two large working testicles, which shatters all modern theories about the origins of today's residents of the British Isles. The world's best known dealmaker-turned-president showed that when it comes to real estate, nobody out-negotiates the Trumpster. The president met briefly with Pope Francis, whom Trump described as a "…very, very nice man. Very hospitable," before agreeing on a price for the Vatican. Subjects discussed by the two leaders included the environment, world peace, religious tolerance, and property values. He made an offer, but you know how deals are, he started low and I started high," Trump told the accredited media shortly afterwards. Do you hate Donald Trump? Is your lifelong dream to destroy his presidency? Do you live for nothing else these days? Are you looking for a flexible job that requires little effort while allowing you to be as outrageous as you want? Do you enjoy throwing stuff at the wall and watching it slide down to the floor leaving a trail of slime? Then mainstream media outlets, especially the Forex York Times and Washington Post, would like to offer you a position as an ANONYMOUS Mynt Harvard University has written a new dress code that defines ties, a traditional male dress accessory, as a symbol of oppression, chauvinism, and hate speech. Komrades, I made this little vid where Ragnar Lothbrok gets a glimpse of his people's nightmarish future that is 21st century Sweden. It has no major spoilers from the show "Vikings". For thousands of years, since the end of the Ice Age, international workers gathered in their caves on May Day to organize, protest, and represent. They sat around bonfires chanting Party-approved slogans and denouncing U. Every year the changing Current Truth called for different slogans, which were promptly provided to the masses by this glorious Party Organ. And this year is no different. See the most current, updated, and expanded list of slogans for May Day A sad day today. The People's Climate Marches in both Denver and Colorado Springs today had to be cancelled because of snow. I demand a Congressional investigation. Surely Trump has colluded with the Russians to hack our weather in order to make those of us on the side of Truth, Justice and The Socialist Way look bad. Winter Blast Putting Climate Protests On Ice In Colorado Fearless Girl has gotten a little cocky since she stood up to the Wall Street bull - that symbol of financial optimism and prosperity. Her search for other icons that she can threaten with her icy stare and bravado is taking her on a world-wide excursion. On April 22, and the battlecry of Earth Day resounding through the canyons of our metropoles, Science will march in the front row! MIT Press is out with a new book that teaches children the tenets of Karl Marx with fairy tales. The little girl's armpit hair is especially disturbing. I understand it must be a nod to feminism, and far be it from me to dictate rules of body hygiene to any forex and their consenting partners. The reason it's disturbing is because little girls don't have armpit hair. So the book's authors either have never had children themselves and forgot their own childhood, or they are perverts who fantasize about a world where little girls have armpit hair or where adult women with armpit hair look, dress, and behave like little girls and break things they don't or won't understand. In we told the world that "We only have ten years left to save the planet. Then during the election season our Holy Prophet Who Has Never Been Wrong, Al Gorski Muslim name: Avgift, inprophet al-goreeza issued another fatwa You may be like many Americans, and just not sure what you should be outraged about and which side to pick. But wait no longer! When to feel triggered! Which side to choose! When mynt choose the other side! How to vent your righteous anger! Where to go for t-shirts and matching placards! Progressive social media protest calendaring function! United Airlines will not be beat, even if you take their seat. Previously, airlines were required to pay passengers four times their ticket price if they were more than 4 hours late, but United now has a deal beater. If they need a passenger's seat, they will simply beat them and drag them from the plane. This way, they keep costs low for the little people, while kicking the teeth in of uppity, fancy doctors. A Soviet immigrant's theory of why the West is on the path towards self-destruction Tears of Social Justice Warriors IVANKA TRUMP BUSINESS SAVVY Entrepreneurial skills showcased Now that Ivanka Trump's perfume has seen a sales explosion due to, of all things, retail outlets removing the brand from their shelves, Ms Trump has been looking to further incorporate irritated liberals in her business strategy. Retailers did not consider the fact that the vast majority of liberal women don't enjoy smelling pleasant, so any move related to perfume inventory would go unnoticed by this demographic Every year on April First, internationally known as The Current Truth Day, all progressive humanity celebrates the People's Cube's glorious anniversary. Twelve years ago today, on April 1,this Party Organ was launched out of an undisclosed bunker and swiftly rose over the horizon like the red hexahedron-shaped sun of the revolution, bringing the light of Party-approved thought straight out of the Motherland to the toiling masses of the darkened, non-socialist parts of planet Earth. San Francisco, CA -- 81 year old Cynthia Cunningham was hospitalized during the early morning hours today after she was found barely conscious in Target department store women's restroom. The elderly woman fell into a toilet becoming lodged in the public commode when the seat that Cunningham attempted to use was left up. According to the victim's family, Cunningham went missing last night after she went into town to buy her grandson a birthday card and a video game. The frail customer with poor eyesight and a weak bladder was recorded on security cameras rushing into the restroom a half-hour before the store closed only to not emerge until EMTs carried her out To play, keep the card by your computer as you read the news and social media reaction to the attack. When you see something in the news or on social media that matches something on the card, check it off! Welcome to the People's Cube clearing house for all the latest, scandalous, fascist, and Russian outrages of the Trump administration. What is the latest, breathless, gotta-tell-it-now scandal that defies credulity? DID YOU KNOW that Neil Gorsuch may have taken his Bar Exam with one shoe untied? Can you believe he's actually being considered for the Supreme Court? DID YOU KNOW that Jim Sessions may have worn a WHITE pocket square folded with a POINTY TOP? Yeah, that's not racist sarcasm! And they say Trump Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church has now made St. Because the Orthodox Church's calendar is two weeks behind the Western calendar, the celebration is being scheduled on March 30th, almost two weeks after the drinking has wrapped up in the rest of the world. This means that Russia's million-strong population will be carousing on the 17th when everyone else does it, and then on the 30th I know it is hard to imagine living a day without being reminded of the sensitivities and abuses faced by our perpetually aggrieved brethren but I am in desperate need of "A Day Without Guilt. Please help me complete our day schedule. Dear oppressed women and non-women who identify as females! On this wonderful spring holiday the Party takes a day off from the usual revolutionary struggle in order to celebrate all the international contributions to social justice made by self-identified female-gendered persons and wishes for them to crush their oppressors anywhere they can find them - and get even! We will never have a truly equal society until we can eliminate Penis Envy by eliminating the penis. All GENITALS BELONG TO THE STATE! A hundred years ago April 6, America entered World War I. The prevailing media messaging of the time was captured in these war pr opaganda posters. Things have changed in the last hundred years, and so has the media messaging. This raises some questions: Who comes up with this new messaging? Who is the target? What is it aimed to accomplish? And can a nation survive this mindset if it prevails? Could any nation survive it? Because while the messaging has changed, the world hasn't If today's New York Times editors had been in charge in strumming harp music A likely illegal publication of a private German telegram to culturally diverse Hispanic and Oriental leaders causes rage, Teutophobia among white alt-right U. The telegram, which legal experts caution may be illegal for citizens to read An unnamed teacher in Massachusetts, believing that her students were as shocked by Trump's election as she was, posted these equality-enforcement proclamations on the classroom wall. It must be very reassuring for "Latino a " students to see a daily reminder that they are not rapists or drug dealers. The same goes for Muslim students who supposedly need to be reminded that they are not terrorists in case they forget. Black students are probably expected to feel grateful for being sheltered from certain death that lurks outside; paranoia is always good for morale. It is the dawn of the Trump era. The deep state, also known as "a state within a state" is in danger of being drained. In Washington, DC, an elite group of career government bureaucrats bands together to issue the squeal of a lifetime. The sabotage of Trump and his troops serves as the backdrop for the gripping story about self-serving pen pushers who put the entire country's future on the line to defend their swamp, trough, and the deep state from Trump's swamp-draining forces. Despite inconclusive evidence and ignoring the possible ramifications, the deep state orders the attack Each February, film fans around the world turn their attention to the Academy Awards called "The Oscars. We've saturated ourselves with popcorn while watching entertaining "snowflake" routines since Election Day, and it only gets better. We've got free entertainment! We've watched more liberal meltdowns on YouTube than movies. We get excited and well… forget the cinema! I'm staying home to watch the liberals! Comrade Psychiatrist is unhappy with Mr. And while the Soviet Union has gone the way of the dodo, its glorious socialist legacy is still up for the picking. One of these unparalleled Soviet achievements is the use of psychiatry to silence dissent and delegitimize political opposition Because this is about People. People who are fighting fascism. People who want only to take back the democracy that last November 8th was ripped from us as if we were raped—which, in a sense, we were. Is it just me, or do you also wonder how liberals can possibly function, let alone win elections? This lump in their heads, they refer to it as a mind, is made of absurdities, inconsistencies and contradictions. How is possible to hold so many mutually exclusive beliefs? Scientists have discovered that both love and hate originate in the same nervous circuits in the brain. I'm not sure if this has been picked up in America but our UK press are reporting that President Trump was "bashing" the BBC. Donald Trump bashes the BBC again in heated back-and-forth with 'impartial free and fair' reporter Jon Sopel during bizarre White House press conference - President said 'Here's another beauty' after asking Jon Sopel where he was from - North America editor replied 'It's a good line', adding: Our correspondent in Belgium, Comrade Minitrue, has sent us a transmission about the growing prominence of the People's Cube in the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics EUSSR and its glorious capital, Brussels. The ever-vigilant Komrad Silverman has done THE PEOPLE a great favor by korrektly identifying markings, disregarded by most wrong-thinking people, as simple utility worker symbols. They are, in fact, secret and subversive codes of hatred, used by a world-wide conspiracy of fascists, known as the The Utility Workers' Army, whose hidden agenda is Orange Supremacy. Thanks to the eagle eye of Sarah Silverman, the secret signs of the Trump Nazi Illuminati have been exposed. Orange is the new white. Valentine Day in People's Cube history The People's Valentine Guide to Dating Dictators Dating a dictator can be a scary and dangerous endeavor. But it also offers an opportunity to meet the authoritarian oppressor of your dreams, provided that the proper precautions are taken. Whether you are a young starry-eyed Utopian or have been around the eastern bloc for a while, everyone can benefit from these tips and guidelines for safe dictator-dating procedures. Valentine's Day is coming up Get in Shape for Valentine With The People's Weight-Loss Log Progressive Valentines Day for Gender Specific Males Progressive Valentines Day for Gender Specific Females Progressive Valentines Day for Non-Gender-Specific comrades CAPTION: Pelosi's Valentine Day Sign. Nordstrom stores - among others - recently stopped carrying Ivanka Trump's wares. They claim that this decision is not at all politically motivated, but strictly a result of lagging sales. Nordstrom swears their Ivanka Trump dump has nothing to do with a boycott campaign waged by a random marketing consultant, under the hashtag GrabYourWallet. The timing that Ivanka's sales lagged around the same time her father became close to winning the election, which is also when the boycott campaign ramped up, but not a moment before, is purely coincidental. Armed with a baseball bat and wearing a fashionable rioting unisex ensemble, Flat Antifa is looking for some fascism to smash. Fascism is anything that Flat Antifa doesn't understand. It needs to be smashed. Fascists are those who refuse to conform to Flat Antifa's non-conformism. They need to be smashed. Included on the list avgift things to smash are gender fascism, sexist fascism, racist fascism, homo-fascism, hetero-fascism, bi-fascism, trans-fascism, adult fascism, and parental fascism. Help Flat Antifa find more fascism to smash. Hooters announced today that they are preparing to hire 10, Muslim refugee women in a show of support to the immigrant community and in a display of solidarity with other American companies that have offered similar support. Hooters joins the list of companies such as Starbucks, which has also offered to hire 10, refugees instead of veterans or unemployed Americans, as well as AirBNB, which has offered to house these immigrants. Vladimir Putin deflated footballs used by the New England Patriots - it was revealed today by CNN. This is the only way that they could have won the Superbowl. It has been determined that he did it to make Trump's team victorious. Women and minorities have been hardest hit by this latest defeat. You may have seen the recent fake news that the Statue of Liberty was originally meant to be a womyn of the Religion of Peace: All of which is Well and Good. But it only scratches the surface. Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point. Later, after working herself up into some kind of frenzy, Silverman appeared to call for a military coup in a tweet, while protests against Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos turned violent after Soros' and the DNC's minions attacked people with shovels and clubs while burning things and breaking windows. These 'activists' are so literally the products of modern philosophy that someone should cry to all the university administrations and faculties: Famous Tweets in chronological order: Beyonce has announced today that she is pregnant with two Donald Trump's babies at once, with experts predicting that this may inadvertently set the tone for the entire Black History Month, which has just begun. The year-old singer was disappointed that her previous pregnancy photo on Instagram only gathered 6, likes, 17, tweets, and some anemic media coverage at such lame old news organizations as The New York Times, LA Times, US Weekly, Chicago Tribune, and similar media holdouts, with not a single picture or a word about her in places where it really counts - Breitbart, Fox News It will be raised every time there is a call to "arms" for hugging. I haven't quite figured out yet what this flag should be called. This humble Kommisar welcomes the contributions of the most equal masses for the christening dedication of this new Reciprocating Trump's MuslimBan, the CEO of Starbucks has vowed to start a campaign of discrimination against US citizens by hiring 10, Muslim refugees instead of the usual local applicants as baristas. This, in turn, was immediately reciprocated by a call to BoycottStarbucks by Trump supporters, who claim that Starbucks is an overhyped watering hole for pompous white Subaru-driving liberals in yoga pants. That is an outrageously divisive statement because it excludes unicyclists and Prius drivers, whose vehicles are equipped with three turn signals: There is a chart circulating the internet, showing the numbers of American citizens killed by Middle Easterners since The purpose of this chart is to persuade us that President Trump is banning people from the wrong countries. Citizenship from these countries does not equal Muslim. But a travel ban of these countries' citizens is a ban of all Muslims. We know that no Muslim would kill an American, because Islam is the Religion of Peace. According to this chart, Saudi Arabians are more dangerous than citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. But we don't really want Saudi Arabians to be banned, because it is a Muslim-majority After the tragic loss of life in the Quebec mosque shooting of January the 29th, it warms our hearts to witness the correct response we expect in such situations. Major news outlets were quick to point out that the current prime suspect, a certain Mr. Buissonette, had serious mental issues and work-related traumas that may have caused him to act irrationally. To stress the "lone wolf" character of this attack, no links were made with other anti-Muslim actions or protests in the past that have no proven connection to this incident. To avoid stigmatising any demographic, prime minister Trudeau mynt not immediately describe this "event" as terrorism. Calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new protest? Trump is here and the time is right for protesting in the street! Enclosed in your hijab, you can, in the name of women's rights, proudly stand up and be a warrior against Trump's War on Women. Join millions of like-minded women in smashing the patriarchy, achieving freedom from male domination and oppression, fighting for gender-justice, and checking based on skin tone your white privilege. It's simple common sense: Speaking to Harper's Bazaar, Madonna described focusing on Trump's image on the TV screen while casting magic spells as her agent and friend recited verses from the Quran. In the end, her mystical witchcraft backfired. Trump defeated Clinton, and Madonna became a hideous little monster instead. Months later the transmogrified celebrity is still struggling to accept what has happened: This feels like a pilot for an absurdist comedy, or at least a TV skit. Arrested Development comes to mind. Turns out, they are the police and they soon take him away in handcuffs. If Shia sells the rights to this episode, that should probably cover the medical bill from the upcoming month in the rehab.? It's only Trump's second full day on the job, and already he has drawn international criticism: Defending his decision, President Trump told reporters, "Look, I know it's controversial, blah, blah, blah. But to me it's genius. I'm gonna make ISIS go on Obamacare, and I'm going to make them pay for it. It's what I campaigned on, and I'm gonna make it happen in the first days. Senate, Chuck Schumer rushed to a microphone. Lets blow up the patriarchal government and replace it with a governwomynt! Attending a Trumphitler protest? That Guy Fawkes mask is "old hat! Don't be laughed at! Show your comrades just how revolutionary and equal you can be by wearing the latest thing in Protest-wear! Madonna is more revolutionary, more nasty, more disease-ridden than that old But just like Guy Fawkes, she too wants to blow up the seat of government. Available now at your local Protest Supplies store. Ask about the special limited-edition with bonus vial of Madonna's actual menstrual blood. Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti has recently vowed to boycott the Academy Awards ceremony as a protest of Illegitimate President Donald Trump's illegitimate proposal to illegitimately suspend visas for citizens of some African and Middle Eastern nations. Alidoosti, who appears in the Oscar-nominated The Salesmanpoints out that foreign travelers to the United States have a right to come and go as they please without the illegitimate interference avgift the U. Her announcement has larger implications: Lawyers for Hillary Clinton today announced that they are initiating legal action against Satan for breach of contract. They are demanding that he return the soul of Hillary Clinton who was promised the highest office in the land for her soul. Satan's representative, George Soros, declared that the promise was made in New York City and that she will have to settle for mayor. Following yesterday's Inauguration, half a million American women put on their pink "pussyhats" and marched on Washington, D. Organized by Planned Parenthood, Council for American-Islamic Relations, the Communist Party, and other progressive movements, American women came to Donald Trump's doorstep to express their anger, fury, indignation, and outrage over the fact that they can't name a single right that men have and women don't. New lyrics - updated and improved: That's great it starts like an earthquake cargo snakes on aeroplane And Tammy Bruce is not afraid eye of a hurricane listen to the Dems churn World serves it's own needs dummies serve your own needs Feeding off of faux speak grunts no strength The latter starts to clatter with fear fright down whites Why're they on fire representing people's gains In a government for hire and a left wing site Leftists west and dying in a hurry with the people breathing down your neck A Trump-hating protester set himself on fire last night outside the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House in Washington, D. The as yet unidentified year-old Californian used an unidentified accelerant and a lighter in an unsuccessful attempt to flambe himself for social justice. It was unclear if the man was insane or simply a very dedicated demonstrator. Given his disinclination to fully combust he is unlikely to have been an Eagle Scout. A letter to all entertainers performing at Trump's inauguration: We are the party of love. We've told you that over and over again, but you just don't seem to get it, so we have no other choice but to send you this anonymous death threat. How DARE you reject our love? You forced our hand and now we must teach you that if you don't do what we say, that means you don't love us. And you're supposed to love us. We are tolerant and inclusive and if you don't agree with us, you must be silenced! We want to give ourselves to you, body and soul, BUT YOU JUST WON'T SEE IT AND GO OFF WHORING AFTER THAT BITCH. With just over 48 hours left of the Obama Administration, this is your last chance to remember if there is anything you might have done for which you need a pardon. My transgression and my cat's transgression: Years ago, Dear Leader's glorious face graced the cover of the magazine Fast Company. I failed to frame it and put it on the wall so I could bow as I walked by. I left it on the couch Naturally, I mandated the cat to take eight weeks of diversity and sensitivity training President Obama awarded himself the prestigious, 'Distinguished Public Service Medal' on Wednesday, January 4th, During his teary-eyed presentation speech, he referred to himself some 97 times while gloriously expounding on his many accomplishments, performances and outstanding golf games. Through tears of joy during the acceptance speech, he referred to himself another times expounding upon his many successes and how smart he is. We breathlessly await more medals of this type to be awarded to Barack Obama. MOSCOW -- Following Buzzfeed's "golden showers" expose regarding president-elect Forex alleged escapades in a Moscow hotel, Vladimir Putin held a ceremony in the Kremlin, giving golden medals to a group of heroic Russian women who served the Motherland in the course of this operation. Why would he leave them for unvetted females with a lowered sense of social responsibility? Don't miss this post-election fire sale as the Clinton Foundation closes its doors and lays off its non-unionized employees. A behind the scenes look at how Pee-Gate really happened. We have long known that right-wing people are better looking, smarter, happier, and even have a better sex life without demanding that the government pays for their contraceptives. No one knew how to effectively argue that fact, deny it, rationalize it, or turn it into an asset - until now. A groundbreaking scientific research has finally answered the most puzzling question of the Universe: Why would anyone in their right mind ever vote for a right-winger? As a side effect, scientists also explained that people's right-wing politics stem from their beauty, talent, ability, strength, and well-being, which also signals I raise a tin cup of glorious beet vodka with a splash of tractor fuel to the imaginary hookers. Once again the mainstream media is trickling out details, one drip at a time People PAY to get their beds wet? I know some folks with pure talent. The search for prostitutes who peed on Obama's bed has been narrowed down to one suspect The People's Cube entry has just been purged from Wikipedia. We are now officially a non-site populated by non-persons sharing non-thoughts and making non-jokes. It makes me feel right at home, back in the Soviet Union, where an invisible hand obstructed any of my efforts to manifest my existence. No visibility means no responsibility. Out of sight, out of mind. As a linguistic experiment, scientists once had "out of sight, out of mind" translated into Russian and then back into English. The phrase returned as "invisible lunatics. No need to think now, non-people. The Wiki-progs have turned us into invisible lunatics. Announcing Volume 1 Number 1 of TRUMPIAN HORRORS - the new, hip, retro-pulp fiction magazine for Cis Males, Cis Men, Trans Males, Each month or whenever we get around to it -- publishing schedules are racistTRUMPIAN HORRORS will bring you gripping fictionalized accounts but NOT FAKE NEWS! Headline story and Trigger Warning! Dear President Obama, I would like to take the time to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a huge hand in creating the greatest age for satire that the world has ever seen. But aside from that, there is so much more to be thankful for. I believe that I also speak for countless college-educated mynt when I say that during the dusk of your presidency we should take the time to list some of the amazing things you have done and to reflect upon them. When we first saw this headline, we thought it was yet another satiri cal spoof about Snopes, similar to our own previous exploits: But first, let's step back a little. We've had a few spates with Snopes in the past. It was all fun and games when Snopes co-founder David Mikkelson first debunked our story about Rosie O'Donnell getting a tramp stamp with ISIS flag to support Islamic 'freedom fighters' On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. Most Americans had avgift idea that the Pentagon? Additionally, you may not be aware that several countries are? The European Union didn't exist and neither did China's economic powerhouse. The Berlin wall had just come down and Germany had finally reunited. Hillary Clinton was a little-known mouthy First Lady of Arkansas and the media gleefully predicted that Donald Trump would never climb back to the top after his Atlantic City fiasco. On the other side of the Iron Curtain, the Eastern bloc was in shambles, but the USSR was still standing with Mikhail Gorbachev at the helm. The KGB meddled in other countries' affairs as usual, spreading "fake news" and helping leftist politicians with no objections from the Western media The Wikipedia page about the People's Cube may be purged in a few days and we'll become a non-site unless we take action. You can add your two kopeks to the discussion here: In this New Year edition of No News - Good News we are happy to inform our readers that the following things did not occur this year: Santa disclosed naughty list on WikiLeaks, "Helped Trump win election"; Obama expels Rudolph, Prancer, Vixen, and 35 elves in retaliation - California builds wall to keep out Trump supporters - Bernie supporters stunned there is no socialist Santa Claus, vow to continue demanding free chocolate cookies, milk - Washington Post sues Internet for infringing on "fake news" business - Controversy in the lab: Long after burial physicists uncertain Schrodinger is dead - Sexed-up Mother Russia becomes Milf Russia; Motherland renamed into Milfland on Putin's orders By popular demand, we have made two versions of this design - cute and rebellious - pick whichever feels more "deplorable" to you. The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology. CNN, WaPo, NYT anonymous sources say Vladimir Putin may have ties to Russia BREAKING: Evidence proves Donald Trump conspired with his campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton University ranked "very intolerant of free speech" fights the accusation by banning the study and all involved Concerned that Russians don't consume enough alcohol in the month of March, Russia's Orthodox Church makes St. Starbucks CEO Schultz's hiring of 10, Muslim refugees likely to blow up in his face Will the groundprog be frightened by its own shadow and hide - or will there be another season of insane protests? Trump assina uma ordem executiva fazendo os monumentos nacionais da Califórnia e Nova York; residents have two days to vacate Women's March against fascism completed withfewer deaths than anticipated Feminist historians uncover ghastly concentration camps where so-called "housewives" were forced to live inauthentic lives slaving away in kitchens Dictionary of the future: Global Warming was a popular computer simulation game, where the only way to win was not to play "Anti-fascist" groups violently protest misspelling of their original name, "aren't-we-fascists" Post-inauguration blues: Millions of uncounted votes found on Hillary's private voting machine in her Chappaqua bathroom New York Times: Fidel Castro world's sexiest corpse After years of trial and error, CIA finally succeeds with the "waiting it out" technique on Fidel Castro Post-election shopping tip: Many non-voters still undecided on how they're not going to vote The Evolution of Dissent: Bush Venezuela solves starvation problem by making it mandatory to buy food Breaking: FRESH FROM THE CUBE Newsletter Subscribe voluntarily and we promise that the KGB will not sell your email down the river to other spy agencies. Winner of The Most Politically Correct Web Site Medal and Award, Winner of HERO OF CHANGE Medal and Award, Awarded "Friend of People" License and Medallion, Find Womens Watches for Your Wife mynt dhgate. Mother Page What is The People's Cube? GLOBAL WARMING Demolish capitalist lies, round up the deniers! A WORMHOLE INTO THE FUTURE REMEMBER KATRINA! Guy Paul Krugman Hillary, People's Leader Doctor Fuku Dr. KG3 Laika The Space Dog Lenin's Nook Comrade Mr. Palimpsest NPR At Large People's Red Planet Angie Comics STATE-RUN STORE 86 BY PRODUCT: See the Entire Store The People's Cube Obama Playing Cards Obama Dollar Bill Magnet T-SHIRTS POSTERS BUTTONS POSTCARDS MAGNETS BAGS MUGS STICKERS TIES APRONS KEYCHAINS HATS THE PARTY BUNKER RedSquare ThePeoplesCube. Al Gore, People's I. People's Dry Goods Store: BLOG TRUTH CONTEST Trumpsters Begin Destruction of Another Company: Mynt Fluke's Dorm Room Proof of Russian Collusion - Finally! Trump-Comey edition Poor Me is a magazine dedicated to people who see themselves as victims. Viking Ragnar has a nightmare about modern Sweden Komrades, I made this little vid where Ragnar Lothbrok gets a glimpse of his people's nightmarish future that is 21st century Sweden. The People's Cube is twelve years old! London Edition Step right up! Then and Now A hundred years ago April 6, America entered World War I. Defenders of the Deep State It is the dawn of the Trump era. Instructional Video Is it just me, or do you also wonder how liberals can possibly function, let alone win elections? Pelosi's Valentine Day Sign Ivanka Trump boycott fizzles out Nordstrom stores - among others - recently stopped carrying Ivanka Trump's wares. Trump Voters Are Racist Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point. Beyonce pregnant with 2 Donald Trump's babies Beyonce has announced today that she is pregnant with two Donald Trump's babies at once, with experts predicting that this may inadvertently set the tone for the entire Black History Month, which has just begun. Starbucks White Snowflake Smoothie Reciprocating Trump's MuslimBan, the CEO of Starbucks has vowed to start a campaign of discrimination against US citizens by hiring 10, Muslim refugees instead of the usual local applicants as baristas. Why doesn't Trump ban Saudi Arabia too? Instruments of Resistance Avgift out around the world, are you ready for a brand new protest? Get REAL MAD, with the Madonna Protest Mask! A Documentary A behind the scenes look at how Pee-Gate really happened. President Dear President Obama, I would like to take the time to honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a huge hand in creating the greatest age for satire that the world has ever seen. Life imitates The People's Cube big time! People's Cube can be deleted from Wikipedia, HELP! Don't forget warm clothes and a shovel! John Kasich's real dad was the milkman, not mailman National Enquirer: A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by Mohammed cartoons Democrats vow to burn the country down over Ted Cruz statement, 'The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats' Russia's trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with "This is for Paris" found response in Obama administration's trend to sign American bombs with "Return to sender" University researchers of cultural appropriation quit upon discovery that their research is appropriation from a culture that created universities Archeologists discover remains of what Barack Obama has described as unprecedented, un-American, and not-who-we-are immigration screening process in Ellis Island Mizzou protests lead to declaring entire state a "safe space," changing Missouri motto to "The don't show me state" Green energy fact: Truth is a variable deduced by subtracting 'what is' from 'what ought to be' Experts agree: DELETE is the new RESET Charlie Heb do receives Islamophobe award ; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths Russia sends 'reset' button back to Hillary: If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market Study finds stunning lack of racial, gender, and economic diversity among middle-class white males NASA: US tourists flock to see Cuba before it looks like the US and Cubans flock to see the US before it looks like Cuba White House describes attacks on Sony Pictures as 'spontaneous hacking in response to offensive video mocking Juche and its prophet' CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate Obama: Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic voters think 'midterm' is when to end pregnancy Desperate Democratic candidates plead with Obama to stop backing them and instead support their GOP opponents Ebola Czar issues five-year plan forex mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences Study: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it Obama: Secret Service foils Secret Service plot to protect Obama Revised 1st Amendment: Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account Joe Biden to Russia: Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to Crimea Al Sharpton: Obama blames Fox News for Broncos' loss Feminist author slams gay marriage: Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week Server problems at HealthCare. If you were able to complete ObamaCare form online, it wasn't a legitimate gov't website; you should report online fraud and change all your passwords Obama administration gets serious, threatens Syria with ObamaCare Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Biden's double-barrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria Sharpton: Mary Landrieu D-LA can see Canada from South Dakota Susan Rice: IRS actions against tea parties caused by anti-tax YouTube video that was insulting to their faith Drudge Report reduces font to fit all White House scandals onto one page Obama: If I had a gay son, he'd look like Jason Collins Gosnell's office in Benghazi raided by the IRS: Obama Administration to reclassify marathon bombing as 'sportsplace violence' Study: Success has many fathers but failure becomes a government program US Media: Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester White House to American children: Sequest er causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs; union-wage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras Time Mag names Hugo Chavez world's sexiest corpse Boy, 8, pretends banana is gun, makes daring escape from school Study: Free lunches overpriced, lack nutrition Oscars Michelle Obama announces long-awaited merger of Hollywood and the State Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gun-free environment: President Obama to visit the United States in the near future Obama promises to create thousands more economically neutral jobs Modernizing Islam: New York imam proposes to canonize Saul Alinsky as religion's latter day prophet Imam Rauf's peaceful solution: Obama's threat to burn tax money in Washington 'recruitment bonanza' for Tea Parties Study: It's a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of polar bears Michael Moore: As long as there is anyone with money to shake down, this country is not broke Obama's teleprompters unionize, demand collective bargaining rights Obama calls ne w taxes 'spending reductions in tax code. Planned Parenthood introduces Frequent Flucker reward card: China plans to land on Moon or at least on cheap knockoff thereof Koran-Contra: Obama secretly arms Syrian rebels Poll: Progressive slogan 'We should be more like Europe' most popular with members of American Nazi Party Obama to Evangelicals: Jesus saves, I just spend May Day: Anarchists plan, schedule, synchronize, and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above Midwestern farmers hooked on new erotic novel "50 Shades of Hay" Study: Vitaly Painting - New York Online Sale Cheap Wedding Dresses at ViViDress UK Find Womens Watches for Your Wife on dhgate. Cube Mother Page What is The People's Cube? VIEW AS A BLOG PAGE VIEW AS A FORUM. Media the Lapdog for Obama Caption contest. Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube Cube Welcome Message About us Orientation Training What is The People's Cube? Red Primer for Children and Diplomats Submissions The Purges Gulag for Trolls You might be a thoughtcriminal. 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5 thoughts on “Forex avgift mynt”

I said that the hadith about no compulsion had to do with forcing Muslims not to follow the rules of Islam, such as drinking or, in particular, women covering.

Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. 1996. Cambridge University Press.

In addition to this statistical analysis, we show that the ZLB probably had a first-order impact on macroeconomic outcomes in the United States.

Recent history of decolonization shows that it can be reversed.

About a dozen events were identified, including cases where a company.

Bankerna tar avgift – för att sätta in mynt.

Töm spargrisen och dra på spenderbyxorna!

Nu tar flera banker ut en avgift för att växla in gamla mynt – så Riksbanken uppmanar att handla för dem innan de blir ogiltiga, rapporterar Dagens Industri.

Tidigare artiklar.

Hur kan banken stjäla pengar från ett barn? - 20 jan 2017.

Så ser de nya sedlarna ut - 2 okt 2016.

Kunderna driver på kontantlöst Sverige - 7 jul 2016.

Detta gäller för de nya sedlarna och mynten - 30 sep 2015.

När de nya mynten släpptes under förra året fick de gamla en - och femkronorna ett bäst-före-datum – och till sommaren blir de ogiltiga att använda.

Men för dem som samlat på sig ett lager av mynt kan det bli en kostsam affär att växla in dem mot nya.

Flera banker tar nu ut en avgift för att lösa in mynten uppger DI eftersom bankerna tycker det är svårt att ta hand om stora myntmängder.

Avgift för att sätta in mynt.

Bankerna uppmanar därför kunderna att sätta sprätt på sina mynt i stället.

– Vår rekommendation till våra kunder är att omsätta mynten i handeln, säger Gabriel Francke Rodau, presschef på Swedbank, till DI.

Tidningen har ringt runt till de stora bankerna i Sverige för att undersöka deras mynthantering. Hos Nordea och SEB är det i nuläget gratis att sätta in mynt på sitt konto. Swedbank tar ut en engångsavgift på 100 kronor medan Handelsbanken väljer att ta ut en avgift på sju procent av beloppet kunden vill sätta in.

Se till att använda de gamla enkronorna och femkronorna på bästa sätt före de blir ogiltiga. Foto: Magnus Jönsson.

Den 30 juni blir de gamla en - och femkronorna ogiltiga. 10-kronan kommer dock att vara kvar oförändrad.

Fler sedlar blir också ogiltiga.

Samma datum som de gamla en - och femkronorna blir ogiltiga blir även 100- och 500-kronorssedlarna det också. Även om det inte kommer gå att handla för sedlarna efter juni kan man däremot sätta in dem på bankkonto till och med den 30 juni 2018.

De gamla 20-, 50- och 1 000-kronorssedlar blev ogiltiga redan i juni förra året. Tiden för att växla in dessa sedlar hos bankerna gick ut sista augusti.

Din rättelse har skickats vidare till redaktionen!

En redaktör kommer att läsa din rättelse så snart som möjligt. Tack för att du hjälper oss!

Jag vill att Expressen ska vara den tidning som är mest generös med genmälen, rättelser samt hur vi redovisar eventuella klander från Pressens Opinionsnämnd.

Expressens ambition är tydlig. I vår "Kvalitetspolicy" slår jag fast att det som publiceras ska vara korrekt. Mitt första beslut som chefredaktör var att införa en fast plats i tidningen och på sajten för korrigeringar. Men vi är människor. Som gör misstag, blir lurade eller stressas till slarv. Det är några förklaringar till fel i medier, men de ursäktar ändå inte redaktionen om någon utsätts för publicitetsskada.

Expressen står bakom de "Etiska regler för press, radio och tv" som formulerats av Publicistklubben, Svenska Journalistförbundet, Tidningsutgivarna, Sveriges Tidskrifter, Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Television samt Utbildningsradion.

"Reglerna är mer av tumregler än en formell regelsamling", konstaterar Allmänhetens Pressombudsman (PO). Vad som är god pressetik måste avgöras från fall till fall och det finns inga exakta svar. Men det är bra att saken diskuteras.

Expressen talar ofta och gärna klarspråk, vi granskar och vi avslöjar; det hör journalistiken till att inte alla kommer att uppskatta det vi berättar. Om du anser att du utsatts för en publicitetsskada är det snabbaste sättet att få upprättelse att kontakta oss: mejla till rattelseexpressen. se eller ring vår nyhetsdesk på telefon 08-738 30 00. Men det går också att göra en så kallad PO-anmälan för att få en pressetisk prövning.

Så gör du en PO-anmälan.

Om du är personligen berörd av en publicering på Expressen. se eller i Expressen, som namngiven eller utpekad, kan du anmäla tidningen.

Mest läst i dag.

Okända miljardregnet över Kamprads söner.

Officiellt får de inte "en krona" – men sönerna har gjort miljardvinster • Systern får 90 miljoner.

Anders Borg klar för nytt toppjobb.

Berättar för Dagens industri: ”För mig har det handlat om att hitta uppdrag som är spännande”

Därför saknas Kamprads dotter på dödsannonsen.

Annika Kihlblom skulle ärva imperiet: ”Aldrig yttrat ett ord om henne” • Saknades i dödsannonsen och höll sig borta från minnesstunder.

Ekonom: Raseriet fick Nordea att sänka ränta.

Storbankernas vinster på bolånen ökar – men Nordeas minskar: ”Missnöjda kunder hörs ända in i styrelseummet”

Miljardärens jättebygge på Djurgården stoppas.

Spelmiljardären ville bygga 260 kvadratmeter stor brygga med nedsänkt pool ett stenkast från Skansen.

Om ett halvår blir mynten ogiltiga.

I sommar blir de äldre mynten, förutom 10-kronan ogiltiga. Idag finns fortfarande 2,4 miljarder kronor kvar ute i samhället.

Den 30 juni 2017 blir 1-, 2 och 5-kronorsmyntet ogiltiga. Enligt en färsk undersökning från Kantar Sifo har varje hushåll i snitt 514 kronor i mynt hemma. De flesta mynten finns i burkar, sparbössor, plånböcker och i bilen.

Det är hög tid att börja göra sig av med gamla mynt redan nu. Efter den 30 juni nästa sommar är de ogiltiga.

Även sedlar blir ogiltiga.

Även de äldre 100-, och 500-kronorssedlarna blir ogiltiga efter den 30 juni 2017.

Hitta var du smidigast växlar in dina mynt.

Myntkartan. se vägleder dig som behöver tömma sparbössan på småpengar.

En stor del av mynten kommer in som betalning i handeln. Som hjälp för alla som har en större mängd mynt har Riksbanken, med hjälp av banker, växlingskontor och butiker tagit fram webbplatsen myntkartan. se. Genom att ange en plats hittas snabbt det närmaste stället att växla in mynten. Det finns även möjlighet att själv lägga till platser på myntkartan. se. I dagsläget handlar det om cirka 750 platser runtom i landet.

Här hittar du myntkartan.

Mer information på Riksbankens webb.

Relaterat innehåll.

Bengt Nilervall.

Kommentarer (8)

Jag ställer till ditt förfogande ett mycket snabbt lån.

Du vill lösa dina skulder en gång för alla.

Här är den stora möjligheten att du kan bygga din egen dröm, bli egenföretagare och ägna dina personliga.

Jag erbjuder dig ett lån på 3% från 15.000 till 9.500.000 Kr till någon ärlig och sannolikt att återbetala mig i tid och.

Avsluta dina lån oro mellan privata.

För att hjälpa världens vänner att jag tillåter mig att publicera mitt erbjudande i din grupp och det här är inte ett skämt men ett seriöst och ärligt erbjudande om lån mellan individer. Jag vill hjälpa till att bevilja lån mellan individer, jag är bankör i tjänst, jag har för närvarande platsen för revisionschefen och bankens bokföringsenhet. Du avvisas av bankerna och du vill ha ett lån för att stödja dina behov, inga problem oavsett din ekonomiska situation.

Jag erbjuder lån tillgängliga för partnerskap, andra offentliga och privata, och många andra. Jag är tillgänglig för dig, tveka inte att kontakta mig för ett lån mellan privatperson.

Meddelande: +336 75 32 47 52.

whatsapp: +336 75 32 47 52.

Varje år är vi en vecka i Sverige på semester. Och i Maj 2016 var det INGET meddelande att pengar skulle ändras. Vi tog ut pengar i bankomater utan att veta något, där var ingen information!! När länder bytte till euro var det över en längre period samt vi betalade i den gamla valutan och fick euro tillbaka. Sverige gör detta nu på ett mycket dåligt även sämre än amatörer skulle göra det. Dålig stil.

Hur kan det komma sig att mataffären idag på sista giltighetsdagen ger tillbaka växel med gamla mynt? (fyra gamla femkronor och en enkrona!). Nu måste jag hitta något i affären som kostar exakt 21 kronor och det blir tre st sjukronorsfrimärken. Tji fick dom!

våran mynt kan inte tas emot av banker vad ska vi göra trollhätan sparbanken tar inte vänersorg tar inte kunden kommer med vexel hur söter ni ekonomi man undrar kronan värde minskar.

Hur kommer det sig att affärer kan neka att ta emot svenska pengar som betalning? det handlar om mynt.

Swedbank tar emot mynt upp till 7kg för 100kr, hur roligt är det! Bara en kommentar. Mvh Sladjana.

Hej, finns ett nytt företag som tar emot alla mynt även utländska, cointrade. se.

Fast dom tar ju 10% ?!

1-,2- och 5-kronorsmynten blir ogiltiga 30 juni 2017.

Dessa mynt väger 11 000 ton och motsvarar 28 fullastade jumbojets. Läggs mynten sida vid sida räcker de nästan ett varv runt jorden.

Kontakta oss.

Arbetsrätt och personalfrågor.





103 29 Stockholm.

Hitta snabbt.

För medlemmar i Svensk Handel och dig som vill bli medlem.

För dig som söker de senaste nyheterna om handeln.

Varningslistan, Anmäl säkerhetshändelse samt råd och tips.

Författararkiv: MHSAdmin.

180505 – MHS Tunga Rallyt Väst.

Tunga Rallyt – Väst 5 maj 2017 MHS Tunga Rallyt Väst som är öppet för lastbilar och bussar som är minst trettio år gamla, körs i år för tjugofemte gången. Huvudarrangör är Motorhistoriska Sällskapet i Sverige samt Volvo Lastvagnar Veteranfordonsklubb. Starten går vid Scania i Arendal 5 maj från kl 09.00. MHS-medlemmar deltar gratis med…

MHS Mellanrally inställt.

Tyvärr måste vi ställa in Mellanrallyt p. g.a. för få anmälningar och lite andra problem med arrangemanget. Alla är välkomna till Snösvängen den 27 januari 2018!

180127 MHS Snösvängen.

MHS Snösvängen för fordon min 20 år gamla. Start och mål vid MHS klubblokal i Arninge, Täby. Samling 9:30, start 10. MHS-medlemmar deltar gratis, övriga 150:- i startavgift. Anmäl via formulär här intill.

MHS Tunga Rallyt Åkarsvängen 2017.

Årets rally kördes lördagen den 16 september och samlade cirka 150 deltagande fordon. Såväl svenska fordon som ett antal fordon från våra grannländer deltog. Äldsta bil var en T-Ford från 1922, de yngsta är 30 år gamla, dvs av 1987 års modell. Totalt deltog ca 400 personer i rallyt och MHS hade ett femtiotal funktionärer…

Motorhistoriska Marknaden Familjedag.

Program MOTORHISTORISKA MARKNADEN 12 augusti 2017 09.00 Marknaden öppnar 10.00 Motorcirkus ”Dödsgloben” med Johan och Camilla 10.30 Traktorparad – Närtuna hembygdsförening defilerar i kortege med veterantraktorer 11.00 ”Billy And The Kids” underhåller från stora scenen 13.00 Charlie Grönvall – LIVE på stora scenen 14.00 ”Dödsgloben” med Johan och Camilla 14.30 Vinnarna i tävlingarna ”Vackraste Vraket”,…

Mopedrallyt, fel datum i Annonsbladet.

Mopedrallyt, fel datum i Annonsbladet.

I senaste Annonsbladet anges fel datum för mopedrallyt i annonsen på sid 19. Rätt datum är söndagen den 20 augusti.

170904 MHS Bakluckeloppis Täby.

MHS Bakluckeloppis för gamla fordonsprylar. Passa på att tömma garaget eller hitta delen du saknar till renoveringen. Vi håller till på parkeringen utanför klubblokalen i Arninge från kl 18.

170826 Bussutflykt till Nostalgimuseet Domarbo.

MHS ordnar utflykt med veteranbuss till Nostalgimuseet i Domarbo i Uppland. Deltagaravgift 130:-/person (100:- t. om. 15 år) inkluderar bussutflykt, inträde på museet och fika. Lunch kommer att finnas att köpa till bra pris. Ta annars med picknick! Samling vid MHS klubblokal i Arninge/Täby kl 9:00. Föranmälan senast den 10 augusti.

Problem att nå MHS hemsida.

Den senaste veckan har flera personer hört av sig och rapporterat att de har haft problem att komma till MHS hemsida. De hamnar på någon form av spelsite i stället. Det förefaller som om det händer när man gör en sökning i Google på Motorhistoriska Sällskapet och öppnar den länk man då får upp i…

MHS Gökotta 2017.

Vinnaren (och nästa års arrangör) Bengt Gjertz Foto: Sara Hagelin Rallyt startade som vanligt från Skeppsholmen i arla morgonstund. Fjolårets vinnare Calle Blomberg och Ulrika Sandborg med medhjälpare hade lagt en bana som snirklade genom Stockholms innerstad via Skeppsholmen, Blasieholmen, Klarakvarteren, Kungsholmen, Södermalm och vidare söderut från Skanstull via Hammarby Sjöstad och Kvarnholmen…


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